In our work, we use the business catalysis method. It was developed by the Academy of Exponential Coaching based on the analysis of hundreds of successful businesses and identifying common traits and processes that were present in each of them to some extent. As a result of years of research and practical implementation in various companies, a coherent system called "Catalyst" was born.
Typically, small business owners do not have sufficient knowledge to grow their business to a $30,000,000 revenue level. And if such knowledge exists, it is theoretical, and they have never done it. The essence of the method is to train the client's team and guide them through a proven path to create all the necessary processes for growing the business to a $30,000,000 level.

The truth is that there are certain processes that must be established in any business. And if they are not, the business loses to the competition and, sooner or later, closes. We do not take the initial period of the business, when there is no team yet, profitability is absent, the product is still being formed. The Catalyst methodology is designed to take a small business on the shortest path from the level of a director + a few employees and an annual turnover of about $300,000 to the level of a full-fledged business that brings about $30,000,000 a year, has a clear structure, a sufficient number of employees, and is fully ready for scaling.
The path of any business in the range from $300,000 to $30,000,000 can be conditionally divided into 4 big stages, which we call the valleys of death. This name is no coincidence. The fact is that if a business does not overcome any of these valleys, it will die. Here are these 4 valleys:
1. Product-market fit
This is the very first and most important stage for any business - it is not enough just to create a product that does what it promises. It is necessary to find people who need it and properly "package" the product so that they want to buy it. When the product finds its market and people understand what it is and why they need it, essentially the product starts to sell itself.

We are not talking about large scales, but once you overcome this stage - people who buy your product and meet their need with it start recommending you and sales grow. Having enough recommendations is the first sign that your company has passed this stage.
2. Market-aligned marketing
You probably do not want your business to rely entirely on recommendations. You need predictability and stability of sales, which will allow you to hire people, develop the product, and grow further. It is precisely structured marketing with properly built funnels that gives you this opportunity. When you know for sure that investing $10,000 in advertising traffic will yield sales of a certain amount. And your marketing machine works predictably and steadily.

This does not mean that once you set up a funnel you will not have to improve it or make additional ones for scaling and stability. But finding a customer path that pays off for you will allow you to do this without much trouble. This will simply become a technical component of your business, a routine process that regularly generates a predictable amount of sales in the required volume. This is the criterion that you have passed the 2nd valley.
3. Team-market fit
Business is people. And who these people are and how you have built work with them depends on... everything. It is your team that will determine whether your business will grow or fall; whether you will be confident and calm, or, falling asleep, think whether those important tasks have been done and in the morning run to check them; whether you can distract from the business for at least 2 weeks, or everything will immediately collapse.

This valley is very important, and in fact, you start passing it from the first hired employee until the moment you see that the team works perfectly well without you. That you can not participate at all in the operational management and everything will work at the same level and grow annually by 20-30%. This is what normal coordinated team work should give.

Your task as an owner is to generate ideas, solutions, and directions that will give the company multiple growth - doubling and tripling profits. Believe me, in the range from $300,000 to $30,000,000 this is quite possible. So, if your team can work without you and increase indicators by 20-30% per year, then you have passed the 3rd valley.
4. Scaling
development, of course) is the team's ability to scale. What does scaling mean? I think you can easily answer this question yourself: it's new products, new markets, more advertising money, more people, etc. It's a pleasant process — you grow noticeably and quickly. Alas, many business owners start to scale too early. The thing is, if something in your business is not working quite right, it will inevitably surface during scaling. You scale not only revenue but also the number of problems. It's like accelerating a poorly assembled car to 500 km/h without prior preparation.

Scaling requires clarity and pre-established processes. All three "valleys of death" must be crossed before starting to scale. All processes must be fine-tuned. And then you can start active growth. Here, the team must master the next skill: replicating existing processes, rapid hiring, and training people for new products, markets, etc. And when you start to successfully replicate processes so that it yields similar revenues and profits, it means the 4th "valley of death" has been passed.
The Catalyst methodology provides the tools that a business must implement at each stage. But DI Consulting doesn't just give you knowledge, a book, or training where you listened to information, got charged up, tried to implement, something didn't work out, and you remained where you were.

We train your top managers in monthly (later, quarterly) sessions, we track your progress weekly and adjust it. We know how everything should be done because we have gone through this path ourselves, and we want to guide you through it as quickly as possible without the loss of many years on independent trials and errors.
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