Typically, small business owners do not have sufficient knowledge to grow their business to a $30,000,000 revenue level. And if such knowledge exists, it is theoretical, and they have never done it. The essence of the method is to train the client's team and guide them through a proven path to create all the necessary processes for growing the business to a $30,000,000 level.
The truth is that there are certain processes that must be established in any business. And if they are not, the business loses to the competition and, sooner or later, closes. We do not take the initial period of the business, when there is no team yet, profitability is absent, the product is still being formed. The Catalyst methodology is designed to take a small business on the shortest path from the level of a director + a few employees and an annual turnover of about $300,000 to the level of a full-fledged business that brings about $30,000,000 a year, has a clear structure, a sufficient number of employees, and is fully ready for scaling.